Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a diverse group of synthetic chemicals created by humans and found in a wide variety of consumer and industrial goods. Some specific PFAS are intentionally included as ingredients in certain cosmetic products such as lipsticks, eyeshadows, moisturizers, nail polish, blushers, and cleansers. However, there has been growing concern that many PFAS break down very slowly and some accumulate in people, animals, and the environment over time, posing potential health risks.
As a result, many regions have been progressively implementing regulations to govern the use of PFAS. These regulations aim to control and restrict the inclusion of PFAS in cosmetic products, in order to mitigate the potential health and environmental hazards associated with their accumulation.
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the current global regulations governing the use of PFAS in cosmetic products. It aims to equip stakeholders with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions, foster collaborations, and implement effective measures to protect public health and preserve the environment.
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Regions Coverd
Chinese Mainland
Taiwan, China
South Korea
Sri Lanka
New Zealand
United States
The European Union
The United Kingdom