Cosmetic Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
China Beauty & Care Market 2021: 10 Trends to Watch

China Beauty & Care Market 2021: 10 Trends to Watch

Basic Information
  • Author:ChemLinked
  • Pages:24
    Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Publish Date:Dec 17, 2020
    Last Updated On:Dec 17, 2020

2020 was a challenging year for the whole world because of the outbreak of Covid-19. China's beauty & care market also witnessed some significant changes this year in several aspects, including consumer shopping attitudes, new brands, distribution channels, marketing, etc. These changes brought simultaneous challenges and opportunities to brands in the market.

At the end of 2020, ChemLinked reviewed China's beauty & care market's development this year and concluded ten trends and cases to watch. We hope that these ten trends can inspire brands to achieve greater success in 2021.


Trend 1: CBD product

Trend 2: Niche perfume

Trend 3: Male skincare

Trend 4: Functional skincare

Trend 5: New makeup brand

Trend 6: DIY dye product

Trend 7: Beauty devices

Trend 8: High-end laundry liquid

Trend 9: Live-streaming

Trend 10: New cosmetic store