Cosmetic Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
Global Cosmetic Compliance Service Expert
REACH24H cosmetics compliance team provides a one-stop global regulatory compliance service including China, the United States, Europe, South Korea, Japan, ASEAN, etc.

We have been equipped with a multidisciplinary team of internationally certified toxicologists, safety assessors, and regulatory experts to provide you with professional technical support for cosmetics compliance globally.
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20+ Years of regulatory experience
1000+ Cosmetic products registration cases
100+ NCI registration cases in progress
4000+ Ingredient submission code application projects
China Regulatory Compliance
Cosmetics Product Registration / Notification
Formula and packaging review
Provide Cosmetic Product Safety Reports (CPSR)
Test monitoring
Dossier compilation
New Cosmetic Ingredient (NCI) Registration / Notification
Act as the Responsible Person (RP) for overseas brand owners
Toxicological data gap analysis and customized registration proposal
Provide ingredient safety assessment report
Test monitoring
Dossier compilation
Ingredient Safety Information Submission
Provide guidance with collecting required information
Technical review of ingredients’ safety information and other related documents
Submit ingredient safety information on behalf of overseas companies and obtain the ingredient submission codes
Cosmetic Efficacy Evaluation
Assist in a compliance review of efficacy claims on packaging
Communicate with accredited labs regarding efficacy testing schemes
Technical review of final efficacy evaluation reports
Prepare abstracts of efficacy evaluation reports
Other Service
Cosmetic regulation consulting service for China, EU, USA and Asia-pacific region
Branding, promotion operation, and customs clearance logistics
Regulatory training and practical training
Customized regulatory report and market research report
Our Clients