This Guidelines for Control of Cosmetic Products in Malaysia shall serve as reference for notification process including quality control, inspection and post-market surveillance activities of cosmetics. This document will replace the Guidelines for Control of Cosmetic Products in Malaysia First Revision 1st February 2017.
The content of this guideline is adapted from the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive (ACD). This guideline shall be read in conjunction with the current laws and regulations together with other relevant legislations, where applicable, governing cosmetics for human use in Malaysia, which include but are not limited to the following:
Sale of Drugs Act 1952
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952
Poisons Act 1952
Medicines (Advertisement & Sale) Act 1956
Patents Act 1983
Wildlife Conservation Act 2010 (Laws of Malaysia Act 716)
International Trade in Endangered Species Act 2008 (Act 686)
Medical Device Act 2012
Trade Descriptions Act 2011
This guideline contains 7 main sections, 25 appendices. The main sections are:
Section 1: General Overview
Section 2: Cosmetic Notification
Section 3: Regulatory Requirements for Cosmetic Product
Section 4: Post Market Surveillance
Section 5: Regulatory Action
Section 6: Notification Withdrawal
Section 7: Notification Exemption
The written laws shall take precedence over this guideline in any event of discrepancy. The scope of this guideline includes information relating to:
Submission of cosmetic notification through the NPRA Quest online system.
Regulatory requirements for cosmetic products
Post market surveillance activities
Cosmetic Notification Holder (CNH) shall understand the content of this guideline and the governing legislations before submission of a cosmetic notification is made.