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Cosmetic Ingredient Search
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A database that allows you to quickly retrieve the regulatory status of the cosmetic ingredients in various regions and obtain key data regarding use basis, use conditions, application status etc.
Total Data: 33,189
Chinese Mainland
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Taiwan, China
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You may consult us at cosmetic@chemlinked.com for comprehensive search to verify the regulatory status of the ingredient.
Who can access the search tool?

Access to the tool is restricted to ChemLinked Cosmetic Corporate Members. If you require access, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

How do I use the ingredient search tool?

The tool enables you to check prohibited or restricted ingredients across various countries. To search for an ingredient in specific countries/regions:

1) Choose a country or region from the filter on the left.

2) Enter the INCI name or CAS number of the ingredient in the search box.

3) Click "Search" to view the results below.

4) For more information, such as maximum usage and other conditions, click on the region name next to any result.

To view details across multiple countries, select "All" in the filter and search. This feature helps you quickly see how an ingredient is regulated worldwide.

What if I don't get any search results?

If your search returns no results, try again using the INCI name or CAS number. If you still find no results, you can consult us at cosmetic@chemlinked.com for a comprehensive search to verify the regulatory status of the ingredient.

Where does the data come from?

All data is sourced from official government regulations or standards in each country or region. The specific source is provided on each ingredient detail page.

How often is the data updated?

We continuously monitor regulatory changes in all target countries and regions. Any formal changes that affect ingredient use conditions will be updated in the tool as soon as possible.

Global Cosmetic Compliance Expert
China Cosmetic Registration/Notification
China New Ingredient Registration/ Notification
Ingredient Safety Information Submission
Cosmetic Formula/Label/Ingredient Review
China Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment Report
Test Monitoring and Dossier Compilation
Cosmetic Efficacy Evaluation
China Toothpaste Notification
Chinese Domestic Responsible Person
Consulting and Training
Our Clients
Contact us
1. The search results are for reference only. If there are no results found or you have doubts about the search results, you may consult us at cosmetic@chemlinked.com for comprehensive search to verify the regulatory status of the substance.

2. ChemLinked makes utmost effort to keep the data accurate and up to date, but they should be used for reference only. In no event shall ChemLinked assume any responsibility for any claims, damages or losses resulting from using the information.

3. ChemLinked reserves the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add to, or remove portions of information on this site at any time without notice.
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