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Zhejiang Details Provincial Implementation Regulations for Filing of First-Imported Non-Special Cosmetics

Following China National Medical Products Administration’s (NMPA) announcement to implement filing system of first imported non-specials cosmetics nationwide, on Nov. 13, Zhejiang Medical Products Administration (MPA) first released its practical provincial enforcement rules along with a detailed filing service guidance, stipulating post-reform regulatory requirements for cosmetic stakeholders...
  • Registration of first imported cosmetics to NMPA will be entirely replaced by filing to the provincial MPA from Nov. 13 in Zhejiang.
  • Domestic responsible person located within the administrative jurisdiction of Zhoushan city shall complete filing to Zhoushan Market Supervision Administration.
  • Domestic responsible person located outside Zhoushan in Zhejiang shall complete filing to provincial MPA.
  • Unlike the filing system used for domestically manufactured goods “special filing” of first-imported general cosmetics does not entail any reduction in regulatory compliance requirements. Safety and efficacy data generated from animal testing is still required.

Following China National Medical Products Administration’s (NMPA) announcement to implement filing system of first imported non-specials cosmetics nationwide, on Nov. 13, Zhejiang Medical Products Administration (MPA) first released its practical provincial enforcement rules along with a detailed filing service guidance, stipulating post-reform regulatory requirements for cosmetic stakeholders.

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