This Agreement covers ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement of Product Registration Approvals for Cosmetic and ASEAN Cosmetic Directive in order to enhance cooperation amongst Member States in ensuring the safety, quality and claimed benefits of all cosmetic products marketed in ASEAN as well as eliminate restrictions to trade of cosmetic products amongst Member States through harmonization of technical requirements, Mutual Recognition of Product Registration Approvals and adoption of the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive.
ASEAN Harmonized Cosmetic Regulatory Scheme:
a) The ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement of Product Registration Approvals for Cosmetics appearing as Schedule A of this Agreement; and
b) The ASEAN Cosmetic Directive appearing as Schedule B of this Agreement.
Technical Documents for Cosmetics:
a) ASEAN Definition of Cosmetics and Illustrative List by Category of Cosmetic Products;
b) ASEAN Cosmetic Ingredient Listings and ASEAN Handbook of Cosmetic Ingredients;
c) ASEAN Cosmetic Labeling Requirements;
d) ASEAN Cosmetic Claims Guidelines;
e) ASEAN Cosmetic Product Registration Requirements;
f) ASEAN Cosmetic Import/Export Requirements; and
g) ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice.