Cosmetic Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
GB/T XXXXX-XXXX Determination of Plastic Microbead in Cosmetics (Draft for Comments)
Local Title:
GB/T XXXXX-XXXX 化妆品中塑料微珠的测定(征求意见稿)
Chinese Mainland
Competent Authority:
Standardization Administration of China;  State Administration for Market Regulation
Release Date:
Implementation Date:
Language Source Title Access
Official GB/T XXXXX-XXXX Determination of Plastic Microbead in Cosmetics (Draft for Comments)
Official GB/T XXXXX-XXXX Determination of Plastic Microbead in Cosmetics (Draft for Comments) Compilation Instruction CN
ChemLinked Translation
GB/T XXXXX-XXXX Determination of Plastic Microbead in Cosmetics (Draft for Comments)
File Language : EN
$ 499

The GB/T XXXXX-XXXX Determination of Plastic Microbeads in Cosmetics stipulates the terms and definitions of plastic microbeads, as well as the reagents and materials, instruments and equipment, test procedures, results, and report for the determination of plastic microbeads in cosmetics by infrared spectrometry. It is applicable to the determination of plastic microbead in cosmetics. Other daily chemical products can also refer to this standard.

Main contents of the GB/T XXXXX-XXXX Determination of Plastic Microbeads and its Compilation Instruction are as follows:

GB/T XXXXX-XXXX Determination of Plastic Microbeads in Cosmetics

Determination of Plastic Microbeads in Cosmetics (Draft for Comments) Compilation Instruction

  1. Scope

  2. Normative References

  3. Terms and Definitions

  4. Method Overview

  5. Reagents and Materials

  6. Equipment and Apparatus

  7. Test Procedure

  8. Result Expression

  9. Test Report

  • Appendix A (Informative Appendix) Infrared Spectrograms of Common Possibly Contained Plastic Microbead

  • Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Types of Plastics Possibly Contained in the Daily Chemical Products

  1. Work Briefing

  2. Compilation Principle and Arguments for Determining the Main Contents of the Standard

  3. Analysis and Summary Report of Main Contents

  4. Impact on Enterprises after Implementation of the Standard

  5. Degree of Adoption of International Standards and Advanced Foreign Standards

  6. Relationship with Relevant Current Laws, Regulations and Mandatory National Standards

  7. Handling Process and Basis of Major Disagreements

  8. Suggestions as Mandatory or Voluntary Standards

  9. Requirement and Measure Suggestions for Standard Implementation

  10. Suggestions on Abolishing Relevant Current Standards

  11. Other Matters To Be Explained

  12. References

In force
Release Date: 2021-05-21
Implementation Date : 2021-09-01
GB/T XXXXX-XXXX Determination of Plastic Microbead in Cosmetics (Draft for Comments)
Release Date: 2020-03-19
Implementation Date : /
Noteworthy Information