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Dewi Rijah Sari
Vice President of Scientific Affairs of the ASEAN Cosmetics Association
Ms. Dewi Rijah Sari is the Vice President of Scientific Affairs of the ASEAN Cosmetics Association (ACA). She also serves as: - Executive Chairman of the Indonesia Imported Cosmetics Entrepreneurs Association (APKII). - Scientific Affairs expert team member of the Indonesia Cosmetic Association (PERKOSMI). - Guest Lecturer of Pharmaceutical Technology Master Degree in the universities. Dewi is a pharmacist and hold Master degree in Pharmaceutical Technology from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia. She also has been intensively learning dermato-cosmetic science and cosmetic safety assessment in Belgium and Germany. She has more than 24 years of working experiences in diverse range area of R&D, Product Development, Business Development, Halal Assurance System, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs in prominent multinational & local pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies in Indonesia. Currently she is an Expert Consultant, Certified Halal Auditor, Halal Trainer, Lecturer and Founder of an independent consulting institution – dRs Consûlta. She has the mission to support the client’s business with the best personalized services for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals companies.
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