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CBEC Focus: Tmall Global Urges Merchants to Rectify Non-compliant Cosmetic Claims

Tmall Global requires merchants to check and rectify non-compliant efficacy claims of cosmetics on the platform. The promotion and claims on the cosmetic product page shall comply with the Chinese Advertising Law and related regulations, shall not contain prohibited claims, and shall be consistent with the information on the product packaging and leaflet.

According to Chinese beauty industry media, Ju Meili, Tmall Global held a training session for cosmetic merchants on the platform in April. 1 The theme of this training is to require merchants to check and rectify non-compliant efficacy claims of cosmetics on Tmall Global.

"When promoting cosmetics imported via cross-border e-commerce (CBEC) into China, Tmall Global requires merchants to refer to the standards for cosmetics imported via general trade," said Aleksey, the person in charge of an overseas niche cosmetic brand.

Specifically, for cosmetics sold on Tmall Global, the promotion and claims on the product page should:

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