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GMP in China's Cosmetic Industry

The draft of the GMP regulation is now completed but has not been scheduled for release yet. Liu Yuan did however disclose the contents of China’s first cosmetics GMP regulation in advance.

The rapid development of China’s cosmetic industry over the last two decades has seen the establishment of a large number of domestic enterprises and an influx of foreign enterprise. However the majority of domestic enterprises are plagued by quality and hygiene management issues, poor R&D capacity, substandard manufacturing technologies and staff poorly trained in hygiene and safety. In December 2013 the CFDA designated Guangdong’s FDA to draft the Chinese cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). To this end Guangdong’s FDA convened a who’s who of leading experts from CFDA or FDAs, review and approval institutions and well-known cosmetic companies to aid in the development of China’s GMP regulations. The draft of the GMP regulation is now completed but has not been scheduled for release yet. Liu Yuan, Vice President of Guangdong FDA Technology Association for Evaluation and Certification did however disclose the contents of China’s first cosmetics GMP regulation in advance.

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