On Dec. 6, 2021, Indonesia Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) issued a revised draft of the Procedure for Submission of Cosmetics Notification for public consultation. On Oct. 5, 2022, Indonesia issued and implemented the revised Procedure for Submission of Cosmetics Notification (hereafter referred to as the "Regulation"), replacing the 2020 version.
The Regulation provides criteria and procedures for companies to refer to when applying for cosmetics notification in Indonesia. Notification applications submitted before Oct. 5, 2022, will still be processed in accordance with the 2020 version. Cosmetic notification numbers obtained before Oct. 5, 2022, are still valid until the expiration date.
The Regulation is divided into 7 chapters and 56 articles with 5 appendices, which stipulates the scope of notification applicants, the documents required for notification, notification procedures, cosmetic product categories, etc.
Main Content
1. General Requirements
2. Criteria and Conditions
3. Procedures
Registration of Notification Applicants
Request for Notification
Cosmetics for Export Only
Priority Service
Notification Validity Period
Notification Updates and Changes
4. Sanctions
5. Transitional Provisions
6. Other Provisions
7. Closing
8. Appendix I Cosmetics Type and Category
Appendix II Cosmetics Production Implementation Recapitulation
Appendix III Changes to Notification Applicant Data
Appendix IV Technical Procedures for the Issuance of Recommendations as a Cosmetics Notification Applicant
Appendix V Priority Service Providing Mechanisms