China’s State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) has approved on 19 March the use of PM-Lysine and Nivitol for cosmetic ingredients in China, according to its ministerial announcement No 16 of 2012. Both substances can be found listed on the translated Chinese directory of International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredient (INCI) published by SFDA in September 2010 (SFDA news on 13 September 2010).
INCI name |
Dimethoxytolyl Propylresorcinol |
Trade name |
PM-Lysine |
Nivitol |
CAS No |
543700-70-5 |
869743-37-3 |
They are respectively used for skin conditioning (moisture) and skin toning. For cosmetic safe use, maximum limit for PM-Lysine is 3% and Nivitol 2%.
China’s 2010 INCI currently contains 15649 ingredient substances. So far since 2004, eight cosmetic ingredients on the list including the two new ones hereof have been given green light by the SFDA. China also issued 1710 existing cosmetic ingredients in the first batch draft of Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredient in China (IECIC) on 6 November 2011.