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China NIFDC Clarifies the Management Measures for the Previously Approved Imported Non-Special Use Cosmetics

For the previously imported non-special cosmetics that have obtained administrative licenses, companies can either supplement required paper documents to the NMPA or conduct re-notification on the new platform to continue supplying products.


The import of non-special use cosmetics in China was initially subject to a registration system, requiring companies to obtain an administrative license from the former cosmetic competent authority China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA, now National Medical Products Administration (NMPA)). In 2017, China piloted the program of adjusting the registration management of non-special use cosmetics imported for the first time to filing management in Shanghai Pudong New Area, and rolled it out nationwide on November 10, 2018. Since then, the registration of imported non-special use cosmetics has been entirely replaced by filing.

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