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China Releases the Inventory of Existing Toothpaste Ingredients


Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Regulation (CSAR), effective from January 1, 2021, mandates that toothpaste must be regulated with reference to general cosmetics regulations. Three years later, on December 1, 2023, China implemented Administrative Measures on Toothpaste (Measures) and Provisions for Management of Toothpaste Notification Dossiers (Provisions), which marked the official commencement of toothpaste notification procedures and a new era for toothpaste regulation.


The Measures introduces a registration and notification system for new toothpaste ingredients. Natural and artificial ingredients used in toothpaste for the first time within the territory of the People's Republic of China are new toothpaste ingredients. Toothpaste ingredients with preservative or coloring functions require registration with National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), while others are subject to notification administration.

To better enforce toothpaste administration regulations and assist companies in determining the regulatory status of their ingredients, NMPA authorized China Oral Care Products Industry Association (COCIA) to compile the initial Inventory of Existing Toothpaste Ingredients in China. COCIA began collecting existing toothpaste ingredients from companies on July 29, 2020.

On January 12, 2024, COCIA released the initial version of the Inventory, comprising 1,026 ingredients. 1 The Inventory includes information such as the Chinese name, INCI/English name, highest historical use concentration, and note. For ingredients with specific usage requirements stated in GB 22115 General Requirements on Raw Materials of Toothpastes, the note in the Inventory indicates that these ingredients should be used in accordance with the requirements of GB 22115.

The full Inventory can be found in Coslist.

b4be183e-a609-4f1f-9ef7-ae98bbe9ef4d-1.pngExcerpts of Inventory of Existing Toothpaste Ingredients in China

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