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EU SCCS Releases Final Opinion on HAA299 (Nano)

On November 25, EU Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) released the final opinion on HAA299 (nano).

The SCCS considers HAA299, either as non-nano or nano form, safe when used as a UV-filter in dermally applied cosmetic products up to a maximum concentration of 10% or a combined maximum concentration (non-nano and nano forms of HAA299) of 10%. But the HAA299 (nano) should be covered within the characteristics: minimum purity equal to or above 97%, median particle size in terms of particle number equal to or above 50 nm. Furthermore, the SCCS does not recommend the use of HAA299 (nano) in applications that could lead to exposure of the consumer's lungs via inhalation.

The SCCS also emphasizes that the opinion is based on the currently available scientific evidence, which shows an overall very low or lack of dermal absorption of HAA299 (nano) in human skin. If any new evidence emerges in the future to show that HAA299 (nano) used as a UV-filter in cosmetic products can penetrate human skin (healthy, compromised, sunburnt or damaged skin) to reach viable cells at higher levels than demonstrated in the opinion, then the SCCS may consider a revision.

(Click here to see more details)

Tags : IngredientsEU
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