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[Updated] EU SCCS Finalizes the Opinion on Benzophenone-4

Editor's note: This article was originally published on December 19, 2023, and was updated on April 8, 2024, as per the latest developments. The updated contents are marked in red below.

On December 15, 2023, EU Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) issued a preliminary opinion on the use of Benzophenone-4 (CAS No. 4065-45-6) in cosmetics. Considering the comments received, SCCS released the final opinion on April 4, 2024, with certain modifications made to the initial conclusion.1

Currently, Benzophenone-4 is regulated under Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 (Cosmetics Regulation) as a UV-filter in sunscreen products, with a permitted concentration of up to 5%. In CosIng, it is also reported with the functions of UV-stabiliser and UV-absorber, protecting cosmetic formulations against sunlight. In response to concerns regarding its endocrine disrupting properties, the European Commission launched a call for data on Benzophenone-4 in 2021. Based on the scientific evidence provided by stakeholders, SCCS has assessed its use in cosmetics and prepared this opinion.

In light of assessment results, SCCS is of the opinion that Benzophenone-4 is safe when used as a UV filter up to a concentration of 5% in sunscreen, face and hand creams, lipstick, sunscreen propellant spray, and pump spray, as well as in all leave-on and rinse-off products, either used separately or in combination. Moreover, SCCS clarifies that any additional use of Benzophenone-4, including its use as a UV filter, should not exceed 5%.

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Tags : IngredientsEU
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