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Japan JCIA Publishes Insights on Cosmetic Safety

On September 22, 2023, the Japan Cosmetic Industry Association (JCIA) issued an announcement, stating that cosmetics manufactured in Japan do not pose any safety concerns following the ocean release of Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) treated water.

According to the announcement, the reason for making this statement is attributed to the implementation of the following various measures by the Japanese government and other organizations.

1. The ALPS treated water within the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant premises undergoes purification until it meets the safety standards for radioactive substances other than tritium. Afterwards, it is significantly diluted with seawater to meet international safety standards for tritium before being released into the ocean.

2. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a United Nations agency with expertise in nuclear matters, considers that the ocean release is based on scientific evidence and in line with international practices. Strict checks are conducted to ensure compliance with IAEA safety standards during the ocean release.

3. Multiple third-party organizations, including laboratories of the IAEA and other countries, as well as the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Okuma Analysis and Research Center, have confirmed that there have been no significant changes in the concentration of radioactive substances in the ocean before and after the ocean release.

At the end of the announcement, JCIA also stated, "We will continue to pay close attention to the latest information released by the Japanese government and other organizations, and continue to carry out our activities with cosmetics safety as our top priority."

Tags : Japan
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