Cosmetic Compliance
Intelligence & Solutions
2019 China Taiwan Cosmetic Regulatory Updates

2019 China Taiwan Cosmetic Regulatory Updates

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Basic Information
  • Author:ChemLinked
  • Pages:34
    Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Publish Date:Jan 15, 2020
    Last Updated On:Jan 15, 2020

ChemLinked has completed 5 annual reports this year. If you prefer to read all of them, you may purchase our package of annual reports with a very cost-effective fee (about 50% off).

ChemLinked 2019 Annual ReportsFee
2019 China Cosmetic Regulatory Updates$159
2019 China Taiwan Cosmetic Regulatory Updates$159
2019 South Korea Cosmetic Regulatory Updates$159
2019 Asia Pacific Animal Testing Regulatory Updates$129
2019 Cosmetic Ingredient Updates in China, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN$129
Package$399 ($735)

2019 witnessed the implementation of a new cosmetic regulatory framework in Taiwan, China.

In 2015 Taiwan began amending the outdated overarching regulation Statute for Control of Cosmetic Hygiene which was released on June 12, 2002. After three years of revision, the new overarching regulation Cosmetic Hygiene Safety Administration Act was approved and published in 2018, and finally implemented on July 1, 2019. To implement the Act TFDA released several supporting rules this year, completing Taiwan's regulatory framework.

This annual report details the regulatory updates in Taiwan, China and introduces the regulatory requirements for Notification, PIF, GMP, animal testing, etc..


1. Definition and Classification
2. Pre-market Approval

2.1 Notification
2.2 Product Information Files (PIF)
2.3 Specific Purpose Cosmetics Registration
3. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
4. Enterprises' Obligations
4.1 Establish and Maintain Source and Flow Data
4.2 Report Serious Adverse Effects
4.3 Recall Cosmetics
4.4 Increased Fines
4.5 Random Sampling Checks
5. Labeling, Claim & Advertisement
5.1 Labeling
6. Ingredients
6.1 Specific Purpose Ingredients
6.2 Updates of List of Preservatives in Cosmetic Products
7. Animal testing
7.1 Applying for Animal Testing

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