Cosmetic Compliance
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2019 China Cosmetic Regulatory Updates

2019 China Cosmetic Regulatory Updates

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Basic Information
  • Author:ChemLinked
  • Pages:34
    Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Publish Date:Jan 15, 2020
    Last Updated On:Jan 15, 2020

ChemLinked has completed 5 annual reports this year. If you prefer to read all of them, you may purchase our package of annual reports with a very cost-effective fee (about 50% off).

ChemLinked 2019 Annual ReportsFee
2019 China Cosmetic Regulatory Updates$159
2019 China Taiwan Cosmetic Regulatory Updates$159
2019 South Korea Cosmetic Regulatory Updates$159
2019 Asia Pacific Animal Testing Regulatory Updates$129
2019 Cosmetic Ingredient Updates in China, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN$129
Package$399 ($735)

 2019 was a year of significant events and progress in the Chinese cosmetic industry. Major ministries like GAC and NMPA updated and introduced several significant regulations revolving around cosmetic lifecycle management and safety and quality assurance, such as cosmetic ingredient standards, pre-market approval, testing specifications, risk assessment, and post-market supervision requirements.

This report introduces and interprets Chinese major cosmetic regulatory updates in 2019.


Part 1 Favorable Import Policies

  1. Facilitated Customs Clearance

  2. Reduced import tariff

  3. Encouraged CBEC Import

Part 2 Cosmetic Regulatory Framework

  1. CHSR and CSAR

  2. Safety and Technical Standards

Part 3 Registration and Filing Compliance

  1. Ingredient updates

  2. New Filing Management

  3. Registration Renewal

  4. New Testing Regulations

  5. Labeling, Claims, and Advertisement

  6. Post-market surveillance

Part 4 Animal Testing

  1. Animal Testing Exemption

  2. Alternatives to Animal Testing

Annex 1 Other regulatory updates
Annex 2 National/Industry/Group Standards

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