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BPJPH Not Ready, Indonesian Halal Certification Examination Returns to LPPOM MUI

Halal product examination and testing responsibilities returned to LPPOM MUI.

BPJPH: Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (Badan Penanggulangan Jaminan Produk Halal)

MUI: Halal Fatwa Issuing Institution (Majelis Ulama Indonesia)

LPPOM MUI: Certification body which is the MUI Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Assessment Body

LPH: Halal Audit Institution (Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal)


On Oct. 17, 2014, Indonesia issued Law Number 33 Year 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (HPA Law), which stipulated all halal products which are imported, distributed and traded in Indonesia or services related to cosmetics, foods, beverages, medicines, chemical products, biologic products, and genetically modified products must be certified halal from Oct. 17, 2019.

The HPA Law also mandates that a new regulatory body, BPJPH, oversees the halal certification process and issuances in Indonesia. It took over the mandate previously held by MUI’s Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Assessment Body (LPPOM MUI) on Oct 17, 2019.

Since the establishment of the BPJPH in 2017, the authority has not been able to establish offices, gather auditors, issue certification standards, or assemble cooperating review units. BPJPH is considered unsuitable for implementing halal certification due to an inadequate system and infrastructure.

Competent Authority Changes

The Ministry of Religion finally issued Decree of the Ministry of Religion (KMA) No. 982 of 2019 concerning Halal Certification Services [1]. This decree returned the product examination and testing responsibility to LPPOM MUI.

Institutional Structure.png

Institutional Structure of Halal Certification

This decree came into force as from the date of issuance and will remain until the enactment of legislation relating to the halal certification service tariff.

Current Halal Certification Procedures

Now that halal product examination and testing responsibility are once again under the remit of LPPOM MUI, BPJPH needs to cooperate with MUI. The business operator first applies to BPJPH. Then MUI assigns LPPOM MUI to conduct the examination and testing. The examination and the testing report will be sent back to MUI, and MUI will determine whether the product can obtain halal certification. If MUI approved, BPJPH would issue a halal certificate to the applicant.

Current Halal Certification Procedures.png

Current Halal Certification Procedures

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