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CSAR Subsidiary Regulations: China to Implement the First Children Cosmetics Regulation in 2022

On Jun. 18, 2021, China NMPA issued the draft Supervision and Administration Provisions on Children Cosmetics. On Oct. 8, 2021, China NMPA promulgated the finalized version of Supervision and Administration Provisions on Children Cosmetics (the finalized Provisions). The finalized Provisions includes 22 articles, clarifying children cosmetics’ scope, formula design principles, labeling requirements, registrant/notifier’s main responsibilities, post-market supervision requirements, etc.

Implementation Date

  • Except for labeling requirements, other requirements in the finalized Provisions will come into force on Jan. 1, 2022;

  • Children cosmetics that apply for registration/notification after May 1, 2022, must be labeled in accordance with the finalized Provisions;

  • For children cosmetics that have applied for registration/notification before May 1, 2022, the registrant/notifier shall update the product label before May 1, 2023.

BANNER 810 150  gif.gifMain Revisions

Compared with the draft provisions, there are few changes in the finalized Provisions. Most of them are adjustments to the order or expressions of articles. The main revisions to regulatory requirements are as follows (the underlined texts are the revisions):

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