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Interpretation of Transitional Measures regarding Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics

On 1 June 2016 CFDA formally released an announcement specifying the transitional measures for implementing Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics. The announcement clarified relevant measures and deadlines for the implementation of the new standard, which are almost the same as reported by a Chemlinked at the end of May (CL news). Formula “For already approved or filed cosmetics, the manufacturers and importers should submit modification applications to CFDA before 1st Dec 2016. Domestic non-special cosmetics only require submission of new formula and packaging while other categories require submission of description and diagram of the production process, safety assessment report (for risk-concern substance) and testing reports together.” However testing reports could be a big problem for manufacturers/importers applying for modification. At present almost all the accredited testing institutions do not conduct related testing according to the new Standard, so the

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