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Korean Cosmetic Act Amended to Appease the Population with Vision Impairment

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in Korea recently issued an amendment to its cosmetic law, pointing directly to institutionalizing “braille” as a system to be applied nationwide and relieving the affected people with statutory resoluteness. 

The people with vision impairment in Korea have long been troubled with recognizing the detailed information on containers or packages of cosmetic products, few of which are treated with the special characters as normally applied in the practice of aiding such consumers, often known as “braille”, despite sporadic exercise on the product name by some companies. Failing to access relevant information has unexceptionally resulted in a shopping predicament, frustrating people with severe eye problems in selecting safe and proper products. Now, the dilemma is about to be closed when the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in Korea(MFDS) recently issued an amendment to its cosmetic law, pointing directly to institutionalizing “braille” as a system to be applied nationwide and relieving the affected people with statutory resoluteness.

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