SFDA consults on a draft notice of further simplifying modification of companies' names or addresses on the condition that the production site does not been changed.
According to the notice, cosmetic manufacturers that already obtain the hygiene license or record keeping certificate from SFDA, are allowed to apply for one-time modification of names, addresses, responsible agents in China together with product information that is under processing. Documents that have been submitted before need not submitting repeatedly.
When applying for one-time change, applicants need to attach a complete list of products (including the product Chinese name, approval document number or record keeping number and expiry date, etc) to the modification application form.
For imported cosmetics, applicants need to contain a complete list of products in the relevant certification documents issued by the competent authority or related organs in the original country. In case of domestic cosmetics, the list must be included in examination feedback issued by local Food and Drug Departments.
You are invited to make comments on this draft notice before August 28, 2012. The notice will come into force as of October 1, 2012.