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Cosmetics Traded through CBEC Require Approval from CFDA

On April 14 2016, China Ministry of Finance released an announcement to explain the note “cosmetics imported for the first time excluded” in the China CBEC Commodities Positive List. The announcement states that in the future cosmetics sold through CBEC shall obtain administrative license or filing certificate based on the rule stipulated by the Regulations concerning the Hygiene Supervision over Cosmetics “cosmetics imported for the first time shall obtain the administrative license granted by the CFDA (filing for non-special use cosmetics)”. The actual meaning of CBEC “positive list” is finally clear. Categories excluded from the list are not permitted to be imported and cosmetics in the list are required to be registered or file a record with the CFDA prior to being imported to China via CBEC. In fact license requirement is not surprising. Last year, CIQs of certain CBEC pilot cities such as Ningbo and Shenzhen have required companies to submit

On April 14 2016, China Ministry of Finance released an announcement to explain the note “cosmetics imported for the first time excluded” in the China CBEC Commodities Positive List. The announcement states that in the future cosmetics sold through CBEC shall obtain administrative license or filing certificate based on the rule stipulated by the Regulations concerning the Hygiene Supervision over Cosmetics “cosmetics imported for the first time shall obtain the administrative license granted by the CFDA (filing for non-special use cosmetics)”.

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