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South Korea to Amend Enforcement Rule of Cosmetics Act

Requirements and procedures of customized cosmetics sales registration, scope of product safety data for infant and children cosmetics, classification of cosmetics hazard rating, etc. are clarified in the amendments of Enforcement Rule of Cosmetics Act.

On August 19th, 2019, South Korean MFDS released an announcement amending Enforcement Rule of Cosmetics Act [1]. Public consultation will last until September 30th, 2019 [2]. Any suggestions can be submitted to Comprehensive Lawmaking System or mail

The main amendments are:

1. Clarification of requirements and procedures of customized cosmetics sales registration and the details of qualification examination of customized cosmetics prescription manager.

South Korea Cosmetics Act [3] classified cosmetics business into 3 types, cosmetic manufacturing business, cosmetic responsible sale business and customized cosmetic sale business. Anyone who intends to sell customized cosmetics shall register with MFDS. Any enterprises engaged in the sale of customized cosmetics shall arrange a customized cosmetics prescription manager to carry out the dispensing and mixing of customized cosmetics. A MFDS qualification examination must be passed before dispensing activities can commence.

Customized cosmetics refers to cosmetics falling under any of the following:

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