China Approves Efficacy Evaluation Methods for Freckle Removing (Whitening) and Anti-Hair Loss Products
Mar 03, 2021
Hedy He
China approved seven cosmetic testing methods, including two efficacy evaluation methods for freckle removing (whitening) and anti-hair loss products.
The efficacy evaluation cycle of freckle-removing (whitening) products is at least 37 days, and for anti-hair loss products, at least 12 weeks. This will extend the time for products to enter the market and increase the R&D costs.
Earlier in November 2020, China NIFDC consulted on seven draft cosmetic testing methods. 1 Four months later, on March 2, 2021, China approved seven cosmetic testing methods and included them in the Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics 2015 (STSC). 2
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